
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Add 1.8 years to your life by just walking briskly for 75 minutes a week

Brisk walking for only 75 minutes every week adds up to 1.8 years of your life claimed by a new study. It is quantified by the Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) how many years of life are added by being physically fit and active at different age levels, among all individuals with different body mass index (BMI).

IMin Lee explained,''We have found that adding very low amount of physical activity in your daily routine like brisk walking for just 75 minutes per week was connected with an increase in one's duration of life i.e. gaining 1.8 years of life after the age of 40 comparing with doing no activity at all''. To make thing good for your health get some healthy habits by joining local gym and can be found at Justdial Jaipur.

Lee said,” The more you add the physical activity, the more is your duration of life. Like, if you walk briskly for 450 minutes maximum per week is associated with a longevity of 4.5 years. He also added,” Physical activity was also associated with greater duration of life in all BMI groups like those who are normal, overweight and obese”.

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