
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Are You Doing Any of These Things to Wax Your Ear Clean?

The metal end of the car keys, rolled up corner of the tissue paper and the classic, cotton rolled on toothpick, are some of the many make shift ear swabs you use to clear out earwax. There isn't anything that can compare to the satisfaction you feel when you are finally able to get out that wax from every corner of your ear. For some of you, this satisfaction is so addictive that cleaning your ears can be an everyday affair. Every single person has earwax, the only difference they face is the colour of the wax and the amount that is produced in the ear. Some of you may notice earwax forming every second week, and another set of you may enjoy a clean ear for over a month. Other than what to use to clean your ear when there isn't a ear bud around, another question that lingers in the minds of many is where does ear wax come from any why do you have it? Secreted by the glands in the canal, the reason for the presence of earwax isn't entirely known. However, it has been proved that it takes care of the dust and other particles that can potentially cause infection or irritation in the ear. When it begins to accumulate, your body begins to prompt signs like imbalance, discomfort in the ear and the feeling of your ear being plugged which then goes on to cause decreased hearing. And the moment these signs begin to manifest, you almost instantly go straight to pull up the first thing that resembles an earbud and clean your ear. But cleaning is what you assume you are doing. In reality, you are only causing more damage to the ear, and this is not the first time you have read this. A fact that may surprise many of you is that your ear is a self-cleaning organ. The ear naturally pushes out the wax which eliminates the need for you to remove it forcefully. However, if it does bother you that much, visiting ENTdoctors in Pune ought to be what you should be doing first. Here is why you shouldn't be giving into anything and everything that you hear or see.

Swab it till it's spotless – Yes, you need to make sure that your body is clean and spotless. And it is because of this, that you bathe every single day. This however, does not hold true when it comes to your ear. Cleaning your ear on a daily basis may not be the best thing for you. Medical experts say that the secretion of wax is the body's natural way of moisturising the ear. Precisely as Dr. Chernobilsky says, "It's a natural skin lotion." You may be of the thought that cleaning your ear everyday is the ultimate solution to keeping your ear clean, but the truth is that you will only take off all the moisture and make the ear more prone to infection as there will be no protective layer. Remember that your ear can clean itself.

Ear Candling – Remember the video that went viral of social media, of a guy removing wax through a burning cone? The process of inserting a conical device or candle typically made from cotton and soaked in paraffin wax and then lit on the opposite end to pull out ear wax is termed as candling. No doubt, watching the video was thrilling and adrenaline junkies would probably be found booking their appointment almost instantly. But truth that lies behind this procedure is that it burns the ear drum, ear canal and the middle of your ear. It can cause bleeding too. In addition to this doctors have also seen perforated eardrums caused because of this method.

DIY (Do It Yourself) – The tips and tricks you may see on social media may help make life easier but subjecting your body to it can cause more harm than you may know. You may stumble upon methods on social media or via hearsay that suggest using oils and chemicals or solutions or even instruments like bobby pins to pull out the excess earwax. Take it in from one ear and throw it out from the next. Earwax is not formed all through the ear. It is present only at the mid section and there is a reason for that. When trying and testing these self-help methods, there is a high possibility that you are pushing the earwax further into the ear. In doing so, the wax will be pushed into a space where it is not supposed to be, thus giving rise to the possibility of an infection or fungus occurring.

The two best ways to deal with ear wax are, to NOT TOUCH IT and the second is to get it taken care of by the best ENT doctors Pune. They are the only and best ones to handle it.

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