
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Give Way To Your Hormones Before Your Hormones Give Way

If I said the words, hormonal change, the first thought that would strike a number of you would be directed mostly towards women. When in reality this problem of course strikes both men and women equally. Menstrual cycles, pre menopause and post menopause are the most commonly associated concepts with hormonal imbalances. You have heard of mid-life crisis too, haven't you? This too has a direct correlation to a hormonal change in your body. Every time you see a person overreacting on something, being sensitive to comments said or actions done or being terribly low on life, you immediately tell them to stop acting like they are going through mid life crisis. And as much as you might be of the notion that hormonal changes occur only after 40, you need to know, from the moment you hit puberty, your body is continuously experiencing hormonal changes. Between 20 and 30, your body is at its best. Your body is the most fertile during this period. For women, menstrual cycles are regular and the flow is normal. For men, there is a great amount of muscle building. The moment you come close to your 30s your fertility begins to reduce. For men, the ability to strengthen muscle at the pace it used to in their late 30s, reduces. The moment you are in your 40s, the secretion of your hormones drastically drops. You might experience tiredness, loss of interest in things that would excite you at some point in time and that colleague whose pettiness you would choose ignore now becomes just unbearable. Your hormones have their own course to take in your body. By putting obstacles in between, such as consumption of birth control pills, smoking and excessive drinking can cause terrible health hazards. And to sort this out, you would need to visit an endocrinologist in Hyderabad.

So how do you know that your hormones are on a roller coaster ride?

Tired 24x7 – Have you ever felt like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders even after you have slept for 8 long hours? In cases like this, know that your decreased progesterone level is the thief of your sleep. Your hormones are responsible for controlling the temperature of your body too and hormonal imbalance can cause your temperature to swing from side to side, making you break into night sweats, thus breaking your sleep.

Over consumption of pills – These pills could either be for birth control or performance enhancement. Consumption of either of these pills on a frequent basis can send your hormones swinging from side to side. The pills are known to alter with your hormones and increase or decrease the secretion of both your estrogen and progesterone. When your glands are forced to do so, there is a strain on them and on your body too, because your body was designed to handle only a certain amount of hormones at once.

Food – This is a hot topic health enthusiasts can debate on endlessly. They each have their own definition of what is right to consume and what isn't. Your Facebook timeline is filled with various kinds of diet techniques you can use to optimize your health. Some promote the consumption of fruits, the others say that you shouldn't touch a slice of bread and another says get rid of meats entirely. Who do you believe and what do you do? Another conundrum that you face at this point is, how will a single diet work for every body type? Too little of something or too much of another can both do damage to your body. Like any other machine, your body too needs to function smoothly and without friction. This is possible only if there is oil in your body. Therefore wiping out oil, butter and ghee from your diet can put your body through more harm than you can think of.

Standing at extremes – When faced with questions of diet to control your hormones, many people suggest that you hit the gym and maintain a diet. This is misconstrued by an even bigger number of people. For those of you who misunderstand this, you end up excessively exercising and under eating. This can go very wrong for you. The food you consume control your health. So, when you over work your body without giving it enough of fuel to function on, your body goes through turmoil and there is an upheaval in your hormonal level.

There are innumerable problems that can be caused because of hormonal imbalance. When we overdo or under-do, something in particular, we place obstacles in between our road to a healthy lifestyle. Our hormones then take a detour, which gives rise to the inevitable problems. To make sure that your hormones are in check be sure to visit top endocrinologists Hyderabad.

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